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TODAY > Terms of Service

Terms & Conditions


Article 1 (Purpose) These terms and conditions apply to the use of Internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by Coinstoday Shopping Mall (hereinafter referred to as "Mall") operated by Today Corporation (e-commerce business). rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the mall and users and responsibilities of the mall and users. * "E-commerce using PC communication, wireless, etc. E-commerce services using PC communication, wireless, etc. shall also be subject to these Terms unless contrary to their nature." Article 2 (Definitions) 1. "Mall" means a website where TODAY Co. provides goods or services (hereinafter referred to as "Goods, etc.") to users. The term "mall" refers to a virtual place of business established by TODAY Co. to provide goods or services (hereinafter referred to as "Goods, etc.") to users using information and communication facilities such as computers, and is also used in the sense of a business operator who operates a shopping mall. "User" means a member who accesses the "Mall" and receives the services provided by the "Mall" in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. members and non-members who access the "Mall" and receive the services provided by the "Mall" in accordance with these Terms. ③ 'Member' refers to a person who has registered as a member of the 'Mall' and can continue to use the services provided by the 'Mall'. ④ 'Non-member' means A person who uses the services provided by the "Mall" without registering as a member services provided by the "Mall" without registering as a member. Article 3 (Specification of Terms and Conditions and Explanation and Amendment) (1) The "Mall" shall display the contents of these Terms and Conditions, the name of the company and representative, the address of the business location (including the address of the place where consumers' ), telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, business license number, telemarketing business report number, and personal information manager so that users can easily recognize them. initial service screen (front) so that users can easily recognize it. However, the contents of the Terms and Conditions may be viewed by the user through the connection screen. can be viewed through the connection screen. ② "The Mall shall disclose the contents stipulated in the Terms and Conditions before the user agrees to the Terms and Conditions. withdrawal of subscription, delivery responsibility, refund conditions, etc. The "Mall" shall provide a separate connection screen or pop-up screen to obtain the user's confirmation so that the user can understand important contents such as withdrawal of subscription, delivery responsibility, refund conditions, etc. ③ "Mall" means the 「Electronic Commerce Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce," "Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions," "Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions Act, Electronic Financial Transactions Act, Electronic Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on Door-to-door Sales, etc. Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on Door-to-door Sales, etc. ④ When the "Mall" revises these Terms and Conditions If the "Mall" amends the Terms and Conditions, it shall specify the effective date and the reason for the amendment and notify the current Terms and Conditions on the initial screen of the Mall from 7 days before the effective date to the day before the effective date. the day before the effective date. However, if the If the contents of the terms and conditions are changed to the disadvantage of the user, it will be announced with a grace period of at least 30 days in advance. In this case, the "Mall" shall clearly compare the contents before the revision and the contents after the revision and display them in an easy-to-understand manner. before the revision and after the revision. ⑤ If the "Mall" revises the Terms and Conditions If the "Mall" revises the terms and conditions, the revised terms and conditions shall only apply to contracts concluded after the effective date, and the terms and conditions before the revision shall apply to contracts already concluded before that date. However, if a user who has already concluded a contract sends a notice to the "Mall" within the notice period of the revised terms pursuant to Paragraph 3 and receives the consent of the "Mall", the provisions of the revised terms shall be applied. and receives the consent of the 'Mall', the provisions of the revised Terms and Conditions shall apply. ⑥ For matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Guidelines for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. Consumer Protection Guidelines in Electronic Commerce, etc. set by the Fair Trade Commission, and related laws or practices. Article 4 (Provision of Services and Change) The "Mall" shall perform the following tasks as follows 1. provide information on goods or services and conclude a purchase contract 2. delivery of goods or services for which a purchase contract has been concluded 3. other tasks prescribed by the 'Mall' 2. the "Mall" shall notify the customer if the goods or In the event of a stockout of goods or services or a change in technical specifications, the "Mall" may change the contents of the goods or services to be provided by a contract to be concluded in the future. In this case, the contents of the changed goods or services and the date of provision shall be specified and immediately notified in the place where the contents of the current goods or services are posted. where the contents of the current goods or services are posted. ③ If the "Mall" decides to provide If the contents of the service contracted with the user are changed for reasons such as out of stock of goods or changes in technical specifications, the reason shall be notified immediately to the address where the user can be notified. to the address where the user can be notified. ④ In the case of the preceding paragraph, the "Mall" shall shall compensate the user for any damages caused by this. However, this shall not apply if the 'Mall' proves that it has no intention or negligence. Article 5 (Interruption of Service) (1) The "Mall" may suspend the service of computers, etc. maintenance, inspection, and replacement of information and communication facilities and breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, and may temporarily suspend the provision of the Service in the event of reasons such as interruption of communication. ② The "Mall" shall compensate for any damages suffered by the user or a third party due to the temporary suspension of the provision of the service due to the reason in Paragraph 1. damages suffered by the user or a third party due to the temporary suspension of the service under Paragraph 1. However, this shall not apply if the 'Mall' proves that there is no intention or negligence. ③ Transition of business items, abandonment of business, If the service cannot be provided for reasons such as switching business items, abandoning the business, or integration between companies, the "Mall" shall notify the user in the manner specified in Article 8 and compensate the consumer according to the conditions originally proposed by the "Mall". However, if the "Mall" does not notify the compensation criteria If the "Mall" does not notify the compensation standard, the user's mileage or accumulated points shall be paid to the user in kind or cash equivalent to the value of the currency used in the "Mall". Article 6 (Membership) (1) The user shall fill in the membership information according to the membership form prescribed by the "Mall" and apply for membership by indicating that he/she agrees to these Terms and Conditions. The "Mall" shall register users who apply for membership as described in Paragraph 1 as members unless they fall under any of the following items. 1. If the applicant has previously lost membership pursuant to Article 7 (3) of these Terms and Conditions, but after the loss of membership pursuant to Article 7 (3) 3 years have elapsed since the loss of membership under Article 7.3. the approval of the "Mall" to rejoin the membership. 2. If there are any falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the registration contents 3. if registering as a member is If it is judged that registration as a member is significantly hindered by the technology of the "Mall" ③ The membership contract shall be concluded when the "Mall"'s The time of establishment of the membership contract shall be the time when the consent of the "Mall" reaches the member. ④ If there is a change in the information registered at the time of registration, the member shall notify the "Mall" of the change within a reasonable period of time. within a reasonable period of time, the member shall notify the "Mall" of the change by modifying the membership information the "Mall" within a reasonable period of time. Article 7 (Withdrawal of Membership and loss, etc.) Members may request to withdraw from the "Mall" at any time and the "Mall" shall immediately process the withdrawal of membership. If a member falls under any of the following reasons, the "Mall" may restrict or suspend membership. 1. registering false information when applying for membership 2. using the "Mall" to If the Member fails to pay the price of goods purchased or other debts incurred by the Member in connection with the use of the "Mall" on the due date. 3. threatening the order of e-commerce, such as interfering with the use of the "Mall" by others or stealing their information 4. using the "Mall" to perform acts prohibited by laws and regulations or these Terms and Conditions or contrary to public order and morals. ③ If the "Mall" restricts or suspends the membership limit․suspend If the same act is repeated more than once or the reason is not corrected within 30 days, the "Mall" may disqualify the member. ④ If the "Mall" loses the membership If the "Mall" loses the membership, the membership registration shall be canceled. In this case, the member shall be notified and given a period of at least 30 days to show cause before the membership registration is canceled. opportunity to make a defense. Article 8 (Notification to Members) (1) If the "Mall" notifies a Member notices to the Member may be made to the e-mail address designated by the Member in advance by agreement with the 'Mall'. The "Mall" may notify an unspecified number of people. In the case of notifications to members, the "Mall" may replace individual notifications by posting them on the "Mall" bulletin board for more than one week. However, individual notifications shall be made for matters that have a significant impact on the member's own transactions. Article 9 (Purchase Application and Personal Information Consent to Provide Personal Information, etc.) (1) The user of the "Mall" shall apply for purchase by the following or similar methods on the "Mall", and the "Mall" shall provide each of the following contents in an easy-to-understand manner when the user applies for purchase. 1. 1. search and selection of goods, etc. 2. input of the recipient's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (or mobile phone number), etc. 3. the contents of the terms and conditions, the service to which the right of withdrawal of subscription is limited limited services, and cost burden such as shipping and installation fees. 4. Agree to these Terms and Conditions and confirm or deny the items in 3. 3. (e.g., mouse click) 5. application for purchase of goods, etc. and confirmation thereof or agreement to the confirmation of the "Mall" 6. selection of payment method If the "Mall" needs to provide personal information of the purchaser to a third party, 1) the person to whom the personal information is personal information, 2) the purpose of using the personal information of the person to whom the personal information is provided, 3) the items of personal information provided, 4) the items of personal information to be provided, and 4) the period of retention and use of personal information by the person to whom the personal information is provided. (The same applies to changes in the consent received.) ③ If the "Mall" entrusts a third party to handle the personal information of the buyer, it must notify the buyer of 1) the person to whom the personal information is entrusted, 2) the contents of the work to be entrusted with the personal information, and 3) obtain the buyer's consent. (The same applies if the consent is changed.) However, if it is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract for the provision of services and is related to the convenience of the buyer, the notice and consent procedures may be waived by notifying the buyer through the privacy policy in the manner prescribed by the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. Article 10 (Establishment of Contract) The "Mall" may not approve the purchase application as described in Article 9 if any of the following items apply. However, in the case of concluding a contract with a minor, it shall be notified that the contract may be canceled by the minor or his/her legal representative if the consent of the legal representative is not obtained. 1. if there are any falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the application contents 2. if the minor purchases goods and services prohibited by the Youth Protection Act, such as tobacco, alcohol, etc. 3. if the "Mall" determines that approving other purchase applications would significantly hinder the "Mall" technology. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded at the time the "Mall's" consent reaches the user in the form of the receipt confirmation notice in Article 12.1. ③ The "Mall's" expression of acceptance shall include confirmation of the user's purchase application and availability for sale.


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